It has been exactly one year to the day since I officially started working on EmberGrep (there was a lot of planning before I settled on the domain but that's how I'm keeping track) Now I have more exciting news to share!

Starting next week I will be a Front End Engineering instructor at the Iron Yard campus in Little Rock. This will be a huge change in pace for me for the better as I will get to take my passion for teaching from a night and weekend hobby with EmberGrep to a full time pursuit. For the community this means that I will be able to spend more time focusing on Open Source, research, and teaching. But to get in to some more specifics, I'll break things down by some of the projects I'm most involved in and how I see the next few months panning out.

Ember.js and Modern Web

Ember.js will be at the heart and finish off the course that I will be teaching and is embraced by a few of the other Iron Yard instructors. I hope that this will lead me to be more actively involved in the Ember.js community as a whole and on a more consistent basis. Also, being in the trenches teaching Ember.js and Javascript to new developers will give me some great insight that I hope to bring back to my communication with the core team. Because I hope to see more common problems and solutions, I also hope to be more active in the addon community to support, document, and create addons for the Ember.js community. Meetups… I'm not saying they're definitely gonna happen but… If I have my ideal situation, Little Rock will have a cool new Modern Web meetup (focusing on interactive JS driven applications).


Because my classes will be focused on Javascript and Ember.js I will hopefully have less of a division between my in person teaching and EmberGrep when compared to client work. For the immediate future, I am still needing get settled in to these big changes so I can't announce any immediate release dates. I will continuing work on the education platform which is already backing up EmberGrep as well as new materials and lessons. And as always, I will continue to support and update the courses and any questions you might have about Ember via email or Twitter.

Laravel & PHP

Over the last two years I have had the privilege of being part of the Laravel and PHP communities. I don't want this to come to an end. Laravel still backs many of my projects and I advise a lot of devs to pick it when looking for a full featured server framework. Right now, I hope to once again become active on Github and IRC as well as in the community in general. This being said, less of my day-to-day work will be active application development in Laravel, so it is quite possible that I will not no broader questions about PHP or new packages in the Laravel world.


Last fall, I dove head first into more serious development with Express.js. There's a lot that I loved: the high availability, the flexibility, and the new paradigm coming from PHP (which is different in a lot of ways not just Async). But, there's a lot of room for learning and research. Node.js is still the Wild West when it comes to convention driven applications. So, I hope to fill in more of these gaps: answer the questions and create conventions similar to what I covered in 0-60 Express.js.


This is a huge change for me and I couldn't be more excited! I plan on being more active in the different communities that I'm in and spend more time really getting to know people and their needs.

Talk to you soon! Ryan