Today was the second day for me working hard on reproducing "Zero to Prototype". It was exciting, but, there was a major hurdle. To be honest, I only went through my editing and rehearsal phase. So… What happened.

Yesterday, I mentioned that my rehearsal time usually takes about 30 minutes. But, then there was a moment of confusion for me. I wasn't even halfway through editing and rehearsing and almost an hour had gone by. This continued for another two hours.

But, today was a big win for the course! The lesson that I was working on today is one of the longest and most complicated lessons of the lot. The lesson covers a huge swath of topics.

On top of all of this, there was an API that had gone out of date. This is actually for the better and cut down the needed code to a single line rather than the existing twenty lines from the first script. But, it meant that it had to be tested. Essentially, instead of editing the script: I rewrote the script.

Failed Recording

Sure, in three hours I could have rehearsed, edited, and probably finished the notes on a different lesson. And three hours isn't so much time that I wasn't able to record the lesson as well. I actually had a pass through recording about half of the lesson. However, it was a constant battle of noise from around my apartment. Recording what I had, resulting in twenty minutes of raw recording and took over an hour.

Going in and trying to edit the raw audio, the mistake rate was crazy high. I was so off of my game from being worn out from scripting and dealing with the noise and distractions.

It's not a Loss

I'm not letting today get me down. I was able to get in some of my exercise, some time with friends, and some time getting my house in order to try to reduce stress for the upcoming week so that it doesn't take away from the time that I could be working on the course. I've also found that while I WANT to be working non-stop on EmberGrep, I need to give myself breaks.

Forcing myself to work too hard in one sitting makes standards slip. Focus is precious and working it too hard leads to a lot of the problems with rushing things that put me in the situation where I am now with "Zero to Prototype".

Here's looking toward more progress tomorrow! Ryan